Sweet Adelines International
Sweet Adelines International is a highly respected worldwide organization of women singers committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through education and performance.
U.S and Canadian Regional Map
International Map
1 North Atlantic - New England
2 Border Lakes Region - Michigan and Ontario
3 Midwest Harmony - Michigan, Indiana, Illinois
4 Harmony Heartland - Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia
5 Spirit of the Midwest - Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Iowa
6 Northern Lights - Manitoba, Ontario, South Dakota, Minnesota, Montana, Iowa
8 Rocky Mountain - Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Utah
9 Coastal Harmony- Florida, Georgia
10 Great Gulf Coast - Texas, Louisiana
11 Sequoia Pacifica - Southern California
12 Pacific Shores - Northern California, Nevada, Hawaii
13 North by Northwest - Washington, Idaho
14 Heart of the Blue Ridge - Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina
15 Greater New York, New Jersey - New York, New Jersey
16 Lake Ontario - Ontario, New York
17 Great Lakes Harmony - Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania
19 Atlantic Bay-Mountain - Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia
21 Golden West - California, Arizona, Texas, Nebraska, New Mexico
25 Heart of America - Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri
26 Canadian Maple Leaf - western Canada
31 Quartet of Nations - England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and the Netherlands
32 Nordic Light - Sweden
34 Southern Cross - Australia
35 New Zealand

If you want to stay informed of the all the happenings of the female barbershop music scene, subscribe to Pitch Pipe, which is put out by Sweet Adelines Internation each quarter. It's full of news, reviews, and previews of coming events and competitions.
Barbershop Harmony Society
The Barbershop Harmony Society brings men together in harmony and fellowship to enrich lives through singing.
BABS - British Association of Barbershop Singers
The British Association of Barbershop Singers is a registered charity, whose aim is to promote the education of people of any age in the enjoyment of Harmony Singing in the Barbershop Style.
LABBS - Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers
LABBS is the only British Ladies Barbershop Association in the UK.
AAMBS - Australian Association of Male Barbershop Singers
The Australian Barbershop community is vibrant collection of male singers from all over Australia, who gather together to sing tight, exciting four-part harmonies in quartets and in choruses.
NZABS - The New Zealand Association of Barbershoppers Inc.
All over New Zealand there are men enjoying singing in the barbershop style. They meet as quartets or as choruses and love to sing with each other and to entertain the public of new Zealand.
Harmony, Incorporated
A vibrant organization of women of all ages, recognized for world-class singing in the barbershop style and promoting bonds of friendship.
World Harmony Council
An organization of barbershop societies around the world.
Scotland's Harmony Junction
Once a year since 1997 the five Barbershop Choruses in Scotland have met to celebrate the hobby of Barbershop Harmony and they called it Scotland's Harmony Junction.
BinG! - Barbershop in Germany
Since BinG! was founded in 1991, many new barbershop choruses and quartets have come into being in Germany, creating their wonderful sounds on the stage with animated enjoyment.
DABS - Dutch Association of Barbershop Singers
FABS - Finnish Association of Barbershop Singers
FABS was founded in 2004 to promote and support barbershop in Finland. The aim is to increase interest in 4-part a cappella singing among juniors as well as seniors who have singing as their hobby.
Holland Harmony
The largest Dutch organization for female barbershoppers.
IABS - Irish Association of Barbershop Singers
SABS - Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers
SNOBS - Society of Nordic Barbershop Singers
SNOBS is an association aiming to spread, develop and preserve Barbershop style in choruses and quartets throughout the Nordic countries.